Hello there, just went out for a while... ;-)
Yes, I know: my posting have been highly irregular for a while. Of course I could keep on posting, ranting about what I do from day to day, but I suspect that you are here for a special reason, right? There hasn't really been much exciting happening lately but I'm sure it will be very soon...
I was really glad to see you popping in, Amanda. Actually, this is a girl who has no interest in this lifestyle whatsoever but still she seem to have found something in my blog. It's true, Amanda, you can really seem like any ordinary woman and yet live this secret life without anyone of your near and dear ones (or neighbours) knowing. That is also the reason why I prefer to keep a low profile as to my identity, sharing photos and so on. Unfortunately, I have seen examples of how subs have been displayed on the web against their will and although my Master would never do such a thing, at the moment this is the way it will be. But the thought of at least displaying my marks excites me and we will surely find a solution soon.
I have linked to you, Amanda, and I really like your blog, it's very cool. But keep in mind when visiting her that she is not at all into the things I am. Besides, her blog is in Swedish, although she writes very good English. Also, anonymous, yes, my Master allows me to "play with matches" and also cigarettes and even cigars, if they are used for the right purpose. Need I say that I am a non-smoker? ;-)Forgive me for escaping into my fantasy world for a while again but I just can't resist it. Will you come with me? Take care, until next time (very soon...)