Now I will be by myself again for a long time and it will be up to me to handle the practical punishments. I am really longing to start doing it again. Several new ideas for self-punishment are popping up in my head all the time and I also get many ideas from you, my beloved readers. Forgive me for neglecting you like I have done. I really am a bad girl and I need to be punished most strictly. Won’t you please come up with more suggestions on how you want me to suffer. Now I really feel in the mood to start blogging again – and trying out many new alternatives of self punishment.
I also want you to know that I recently failed in carrying out a punishment ordered by a reader. Yes, I failed. I will explain more about this later, not to mention how Master later punished me for my failure. Although he understood why I failed we both agreed that the most severe punishment was necessary to make this slut pay the price for her failure.
If you only knew how horny I am right now… as I imagine what I will be ordered to do to myself as we enter another dark season. Yes, darkness does something to me. It evokes a lust within me which I am unable to resist – and why should I? Also, I will be glad to hear from you and I love reading your comments. Please write a comment right away… if nothing else for telling me what a slut I am and how you think I should be punished.
your slaveslut tina
P.S. Anyone who happen to have any more pics from this series? I have no idea who the artist was. The girl was called Sheila and the artwork was sold as sets of cards by a mail order company from New Your in the 1970s (courtesy of Master).

I missed you tina,glad your back and ready for some punishment.I think you should start with some tight breast bondage,then go to work on those naughty nipples of yours.make em good and sore for me. edward.
yes, I certainly will... thank you for your input
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